We talk about being Christ-like all the time. Our hymns repeat the refrain and our children sing about how they are “trying to be like Jesus.” But what does that mean? What was Jesus like as a person? And how could we hope to emulate Him? The question may seem impossible to answer and we may feel despondent under the weight of it. We can know Jesus Christ and we can fulfill His commandment to become like Him. This lost LDS Classic explores what character is, what Christ’s character is, and how we can manifest His character in our thoughts, words, and deeds today. This is how we can possibly, happily, joyfully be like Christ!
Author: William H. Douglas
Insights Into The Dangers of Government from Aldous Huxley
This article is about the insights given to us about democracy, totalitarianism, decentralization, self-government, war, and power in the writings of Aldous Huxley. HIs insights into the true nature of the government, the threats in levels at the basic human rights and dignity of the individual, the origin of those threats, and what to do in order to end those dangers and reassert our essential humanity and liberties are herein. If you thought you understood Huxley after reading, “Brave New World,” that was just the tip of the iceberg compared to what else he wrote. Dive deeper with this article.
The Real History of Easter and Its Symbols
I’m sure that you have heard that Easter is not a Christian holiday, that it is actually a pagan holiday that Christians copied or stole and that the name Easter comes from the pagan goddess Eostre that used to be worshipped on this day. You may have also heard that the reason rabbits and eggs are associated with Easter is because they are signs of sexual fertility and were symbols of the pagan goddess Eostre. This all sounds very convincing. There is just one problem.
None of it is true.
Easter is a completely Christian holiday that has nothing to do with paganism at all.
And here is the historical proof.
The Solutions to The Problems of the Modern World
In an age where powerful elements in society are pushing to do everything from obliterate the very concept of a woman by reducing them to such objectified terms such as “menstruating/birthing person” to trying to normalize exposing children to hypersexualized drag shows in order to desensitize them to sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, and transgenderism, this LDS Classic is one of the best addresses that you’ll ever read. Not only does it pinpoint the heart of darkness, the cause of much hate and danger in society today, but it also shows us how and why the doctrines of Christ can and should give us immense hope for tomorrow.
Great Profiles in Courage: Mary Dyer Executed for Religious Liberty
Mary Dyer is one of the greatest examples of true Christianity in American history. A member of the Society of Friends, a Quaker, she stood up against one of the most authoritarian and autocratic societies to ever exist in North America, the Puritan ran Massachusetts Bay Colony. While plenty of people talk about liberty and religious freedom, Mary did more than talk – she lived and died asserting her basic human rights in the face of a brutalist and oppressive society that would deny her basic rights because of her faith. She is a shining example of what it means to love liberty more than life and what it means to truly live pure Christianity. Her example is a righteous example to us all.
How Can You Be A Good Christian? Part 2
We all know that Christ and His Apostles taught us to love our enemies, to pray for those who use and abuse us, and to serve those who persecute us. These are the basic fundamentals of a Christian life. But often the how and why have eluded us. This article looks at the Sermon on the Mount as the Manual for How to Be a Christian and explores exactly what Christ meant, why it matters how we live, and how we are supposed to live as His disciples. This is how you be a good Christian.
How Can You Be A Good Christian? Part 1
What does it mean to be a Christian? We talk a lot about how to become a Christian, but how to be a good Christian often gets lost in the debate. This article and its sequel are designed exactly to address the question of what it means to be a Christian by looking at what Christ and His Apostles taught about who we are, what our relationships to God and each other are, and how we are supposed to treat everyone in our life. This article is about what it means to be a good Christian and how being one transforms not only you but the entirely world around you.
This Is What It Is Like After You Die
People have been asking the question of what happens after you die for tens of thousands of years, for millions of years. As long as humans have existed. It has been said that if you could bring someone back from the dead and ask them about what, if anything, happens next it would be the most important thing any of us ever could learn.
Well, you don’t have to wonder anymore. It has happened. People have died. They have had intimate visions of what happens after death. And they have returned to life to explain what they experienced and what we need to do to prepare in this life for the next. This is just such an account, a vision of the next world as shown by God to Elder Jedidiah M. Grant, Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Revealed here is what a modern-day Prophet, Seer, and Revelator saw when he looked beyond the veil of death and into the world of spirits.
This is what happens after you die.
This is what the afterlife is like.
This is what comes next.
What Is A Christian’s Duty To The Government?
What did Jesus Christ teach about the duty that Christians owe to the governments of the nations they live in? What did the Apostles teach about what the duty of a Christian is to the governments of the nations that Christians live in? What do Christ and His Apostles teach about the relationship between Christians and the governments of the world? What did Christ and His Apostles teach about the government of God and the Christian’s loyalty to it? IN this article I use the New testament to answer all these questions and explain exactly what the Bible teaches about the relationship of the true disciple of Jesus Christ and the governments of the world.