This is a topic that I think is important to address, yet it is one that we are often afraid to address. Perhaps this is because we feel like that by pointing out or acknowledging where the Brethren are in error that we are questioning the Lord Himself or like we might damage another’s faith. Yet we all know it happens. Apostles are often wrong when citing scriptures and when citing history. And refusing to address the issue creates a very unhealthy aura of infallibility around the Brethren that not only forces more weight upon their shoulders than they already carry but it also creates a very weak and sandy foundation upon which to build our own testimonies. This article is dedicated towards answering this important question in a way that will help the believer maintain and build faith in the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Restored Church of Jesus Christ, and His appointed leaders while also acknowledging and understanding their own fallibility, their ability to commit error, and how their doing so should impact our own understanding of the scriptures.
Category: Book of Mormon
An Apostle Explains The End of the World
This is quite possibly one of my favorite things I’ve ever read. Herein is reproduced a letter written by one of the church’s most influential thinkers and theologians, Apostle Parley P. Pratt. The letter was sent by Elder Pratt to Queen Victoria, the Queen of England, during his first mission to Great Britain. In it, Elder Pratt does something that I absolutely adore. Instead of fawning over Victoria or her court, hoping to make some favorable impression for himself or the church as you would imagine many people then and now would, Elder Pratt, while being courteous and humble, goes for the jugular of the Empire itself. Using the scriptures he lays out the coming judgments of God against the kingdoms of the world, the events of the Last Days before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the revolutionary the establishment of the Kingdom of God through the Restoration, and calls upon the leaders of the state to repent of their wickedness, denounce their greed and power, and to lead their nation in mass repentance before they are overthrown by the power of God. For this alone it is worth reading. Throw in his clear explanation of many of the signs of the Last Days and it is without a doubt that all who read it will profit from it.
What Caused The Great Disaster of 3 Nephi 8?
In 3 Nephi 8, the Prophet-Historian Mormon records that a tremendous cataclysm destroyed a multitude of cities, slew untold numbers of people, and shook the Nephite and Lamanite civilizations to their cores, bringing them to their knees in every describable way. This event consisted of horrific storms that destroyed entire cities, mass fires that burned other cities to the ground, massive earthquakes that tore apart yet other cities, and three days of darkness that covered the land in a literal, palpable darkness that could be felt and which prevented the kindling of any fire and which blocked out the Sun itself. In short, the Nephites and Lamanites got a practice run with the Apocalypse. But what caused it? What actual physical processes did the Lord use to bring about this Great Disaster? Here I attempt to provide an answer to this question that details all the major events and addresses what caused them. Finally, I comment on some important spiritual truths that we can learn from the history of these events.