Hundreds of millions of people around the world are seeing everything they have ever worked for in life, all their hopes and dreams, destroyed as the state ordered lockdowns drive them and their families into unrelenting poverty, starvation, and death. This has little to do with Covid-19 and everything to do with our response to it and if we don’t want to cause the deaths of millions of people the way we are handling this sickness must change, immediately.
Category: History
On Signs, Symbols, and Statist Sacraments
In past parts of this series I have touched upon how governments use religious rituals to reinforce loyalty and obedience to it, such as with the Pledge of Allegiance, but haven’t gone into much depth on the subject. Here I really dig into the concept and explore some concrete examples of the ways that the government manipulates religious symbolism, religious architecture, and the natural feelings of the people to present itself and its officials as divine and to command obedience from the masses. For examples of this idolatry, I look at such religious artworks as The Apotheosis of George Washington and the Enthroned Washington and such religious architecture as the American temples, the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, and the religious messages thereof.
The Modern Moloch Part 6: Presidential Idolatry
Joe Biden is a racist, warmongering, predatory rapist. Kamala Harris made her name profiting off black suffering, destroying poor communities, and repeatedly actively fought to prevent the court mandated release of nonviolent prisoners so the government of California could profit from their “cheap” -read slave- labor. These aren’t accusations. These are statements of fact. The Biden/Harris ticket is easily as violent, demeaning, hateful, and dangerous as the 2016 or 2020 Trump ticket. Yet, Democrats will still go out and self-righteously vote for people proven to be the opposite of every important Progressive value that can be named. Why? How has it come to this? It is no accident. Indeed, after listing evidence after evidence of the evils of both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to prove their corruption and wickedness (Trump’s is already a given) I explain how this is no accident. Generating veneration of, zealotry for, and obedience to political leaders no matter how evil they are is the entire point of the political system.
The Modern Moloch, Part 5: The Political Messiah
In the former parts of this series we have explored how the State, the government, is in form and function an idolatrous death cult as well as how the cult functions in our daily lives, indoctrinating us into its service from childhood. As we have explored these issues the question has arisen of how such an organization developed in the first place and what is its ultimate end? To answer that we must start before even the Beginning and range across time and scripture to beyond even the very End of the World- going from the Council in Heaven to the Apocalypse. Here we find out the Satanic origins of the Cult of the State, see how it is described in the revelations of the prophets Nephi and John the Revelator, explore some of the most important yet confusing symbols in scriptures -the great and abominable church in the Book of Mormon and Revelation’s Dragon, Beast, Antichrist, and the Whore of Babylon- and see what scripture tells us about the ultimate downfall of the State and all the governments of the world.
Brigham Young Explains The Purpose of the Church
Near the end of his life, President Brigham Young gave an address that taught what the sole purpose of the church is and what is the single goals its members should strive for. In this age of social and political division in the church, these truths are more important than ever. Additionally, his remarks in regards to taxation and public education herein are also quite instructive in the present day.
The Modern Moloch Part 4: The Religion of Statism- Section B
In Section A we explored the foundational beliefs of the Cult of the State- its temples, gods, prophets, sacred texts, and common prayers. Here we continue this exploration of how the governments of the world act as secular religions within the lives of those under the power of the various countries of the world. We do this by looking at the churches, religious leadership, some mystical rituals and forms of worship, and the holy wars of the Death Cult of the State. If Section A was the motivating beliefs of the government religion then Section B is what those ideals look like put into action both in the government’s efforts to indoctrinate us into the cult and what it looks like we when do as we are taught to believe. Though far from exhaustive, hopefully by the end of this part of the Modern Moloch series you will know enough to pull back the curtain on the government and begin to root out all the ways it has manipulated you for its own glory and gain.
The Modern Moloch Part 3: The Religion of Statism- Section A
In previous parts of this series I have shown the idolatrous, cultic nature of the way that modern statist governments function. Here in Part 3, I begin to study in detail the form and function of the Cult of the State -its religious texts, religious symbols, gods, prayers, and temples- and how these function in the lives of modern people, even among those who who otherwise imagine themselves to be beyond such things as religious worship. Once we can begin to see how the cult has manipulated us and how it continues to do so we can begin to abandon its false teachings and escape its abusive control. This article will help do just that.
The Global War on Terror is a War of Terror
The violent history of the US government’s military actions in the Middle East is one of the bloodiest eras in human history- leading to the annihilation of civilizations millennia old and the butchering of literally millions of civilians beneath the brutal hooves of Famine, War, Pestilence, and Death. Here I trace part of that history from the 1980s through the modern day, explore their ramifications in the form of international terrorism, and explain how what has been sold to Americans as a “War on Terror” is in reality a War *of* Terror in the eyes of the tens of millions of people living at the bayonet point of the American military. Instead of creating peace and making America or the world safer, the actions of the US government and its allies in the Middle East have only generated extermination, destruction, hatred, retaliation, and violence, making the entire world a more hazardous and unstable place for all. The West’s Wars of Terror have only led to skyrocketing rates of terrorism and placed us all in greater danger than ever before.
The Death Cult of the State
In Part 1 of the series I delved into the idolatrous nature of modern political systems and delved into the ways they’re based on violence, oppression, and human sacrifice before ultimately concluding that the State/the government was one large idolatrous cult. Here in Part 2, I will dig into this idea of the State/the government as cult by using the 15 characteristics of cults as developed by Dr. Janja Lalich, a leading expert on the study of cults. By going through all 15 characteristics and demonstrating that the political systems of modern nations align very closely to Dr. Lalich’s outline and that they are therefore cults. Finally, I will explore how these idolatrous cults are in fact death cults by looking at how they use violence, warmongering, and veneration of the dead to gain legitimacy and subservience from the masses in order to secure and continue the power and position of the presiding political order.
The Modern Moloch, Part 1: Patriotism, Nationalism, Idolatry, and Human Sacrifice
For all of human history there has been a struggle between the Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of the world, expressed in many dualities. Here, taking an image from a modern Apostle, we explore how the system of government used throughout most of the world is comparable in its means and ends to the worship of the ancient Canaanite idol Moloch and what that means for how we, as Saints, should react to those in power. If we are to be Saints and dedicate ourselves to God and the Lamb through sacred temple covenants we have to be able to recognize the lies the government tells and the idolatry that lays at the heart of the way it manipulates and coerces us into obeying it in defiance of the commandments of God. This article is the first of a series with the goal of doing exactly that by investigating and revealing the true idolatrous nature of the governments and kingdoms of this world.