In an age where powerful elements in society are pushing to do everything from obliterate the very concept of a woman by reducing them to such objectified terms such as “menstruating/birthing person” to trying to normalize exposing children to hypersexualized drag shows in order to desensitize them to sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, and transgenderism, this LDS Classic is one of the best addresses that you’ll ever read. Not only does it pinpoint the heart of darkness, the cause of much hate and danger in society today, but it also shows us how and why the doctrines of Christ can and should give us immense hope for tomorrow.
Category: Society
How Can You Be A Good Christian? Part 2
We all know that Christ and His Apostles taught us to love our enemies, to pray for those who use and abuse us, and to serve those who persecute us. These are the basic fundamentals of a Christian life. But often the how and why have eluded us. This article looks at the Sermon on the Mount as the Manual for How to Be a Christian and explores exactly what Christ meant, why it matters how we live, and how we are supposed to live as His disciples. This is how you be a good Christian.
How Can You Be A Good Christian? Part 1
What does it mean to be a Christian? We talk a lot about how to become a Christian, but how to be a good Christian often gets lost in the debate. This article and its sequel are designed exactly to address the question of what it means to be a Christian by looking at what Christ and His Apostles taught about who we are, what our relationships to God and each other are, and how we are supposed to treat everyone in our life. This article is about what it means to be a good Christian and how being one transforms not only you but the entirely world around you.
What Is A Christian’s Duty To The Government?
What did Jesus Christ teach about the duty that Christians owe to the governments of the nations they live in? What did the Apostles teach about what the duty of a Christian is to the governments of the nations that Christians live in? What do Christ and His Apostles teach about the relationship between Christians and the governments of the world? What did Christ and His Apostles teach about the government of God and the Christian’s loyalty to it? IN this article I use the New testament to answer all these questions and explain exactly what the Bible teaches about the relationship of the true disciple of Jesus Christ and the governments of the world.
The Place of Politics in the Church
This Lost LDS Classic looks at the role of partisan politics (loyalty to political parties) and nationalism play in the role of Latter-day Saint culture and religious practice. The political divisions in the church are both bothersome and poisonous. The Body of Christ, the Kingdom of God, should not be divided by the political ideologies of the world. The more we allow ourselves to be defined by our politics – as “liberal” Mormons, “conservative” Mormons, etc. – the more we weaken ourselves, disrupt our Christian unity, and weaken our ability to establish Zion and do the work that God has given us. Nationalism and political partisanship have no place in the Kingdom of God and the sooner we drive them from our hearts and minds the more we become Saints of the Most High God and true Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Total War: Exposing The Vicious Nature of the State/Government
These past few weeks I’ve been playing the most anarchist game ever made, one that reveals the absolute truth of exactly how the State/government functions, why it functions that way, the true motives of those in power, and the impact this has on the societies over which it rules. Honestly, it is quite shocking just how revealing it is of the tyranny and violence at the heart of modern politics and statism. In this article, I not only explain what the game is but how it completely exposes how the state functions, how the state corrupts society, how the state is founded upon violence and theft, and why we should utterly reject it.
Not Amnesty But Prison For The COVID Tyrants
The last few years have been utterly devastating for the entire world. In response to the appearance of Covid-19, the governments of the world asserted insane, unconstitutional, illegal, and immoral powers to seize control of every aspect of society, imprison entire populations of provinces, states, and nations in their homes as if they were criminals under house arrest, to irrationally determine who could work, who couldn’t, and who had to starve, prevent people from going to church, seeing their loved ones, or being with their families, and cause such mass hysteria and fear that society turned on itself in fits of outrage, hate, and self-destruction. The end results of all this were utterly predictable and were reported on endlessly by many people, including those of us here. Now the monsters, fools, and tyrants that wreaked all this havoc simply want you to forgive and forget what they have done. We cannot let that happen!
Halloween, Human Sacrifice, and The Revolution of Jesus Christ
Human sacrifice has been at the heart of human worship for as far back as humanity history stretches – and beyond. And it hasn’t went away. Many of our modern stories – of monsters and heroes – centers around human sacrifice and the sacrificing of humans. Whether you’re talking about Halloween or American Sniper, you’re still talking about the sacrifice of human lives to accomplish some higher goal and in service to some higher power. In this article, I look at human sacrifice in modern human storytelling, human sacrifice in human history, and at how the work of Jesus Christ has been to replace the sacrifice of men with the sacrifice of Himself and, in doing so, to totally transform human society at every level. Only through Christ can we hope to bring an end to the brutality of human sacrifice.