Did The Church’s November 2015 Policy Cause LGBT+ Teens To Harm or Kill Themselves? - The Latter-day Liberator
It is common among ex-Mormons to claim that the doctrines and policies of the church regarding homosexuality cause gay teens to harm and kill themselves, especially the November 2015 policy of the church that says same-sex marriage is an offense that can get you excommunicated. This argument has even been made by major news outlets. But is it actually true? Here I republish an online essay from another writer that addresses the strongest evidence for this argument head on, evaluates all the proof, and comes to powerful, fact-based conclusions that demonstrates that the argument, for all its emotional power, is contradictory and false. In my afterword to the essay, I point out that the evidence is actually the opposite, that deeply religious gay teens are less likely to harm or kill themselves, and draw conclusions about how we can keep from falling for similar emotionally manipulative and erroneous arguments made by the critics of the church and its policies.