The world seems to be on fire right now with people across the world protesting state mandated Coid-19 measures. For over a month now hundreds of thousands of people in France have been protesting that country’s proposed vaccine passport, a “health pass” that would people would be required to carry and present on demand proving that they have received the Covid-19 vaccine. Thousands have marched in Italy protesting against the Italian government’s plan to do the same with its “green pass.” Italian protestors swear that they will not comply with the state’s orders because it is Fascist and draw direct comparisons between the Fascists forcing Jews to wear badges and present papers in order to work or do anything publicly and with their government using the “green pass” to force unvaccinated people to do the exact same. (Fascism is something the Italians would understand well as Italy was the birth place of Fascism.) In Britain, those opposing “vaccine passports” have attempted to storm the studios of that state owned propaganda machine, the BBC News. In the United States, the Covid-19 “hero”, New York governor Andrew Cuomo, whose lockdown and vaccine passport measures have been hailed as being the standard the US should follow, has been forced to resign, in part because of how hated his policies are, how much a failure they are, and how they have caused the deaths of thousands of people, especially the elderly. There have been similar protests in Australia and Greece for the same reasons.

In all of these protests the message is the same – “Don’t touch our children,” (insert local political leader here), Tyrant,” “No to the pass of shame,” “We have been lied to from the beginning,” and “Freedom!” The response of the oligarchs and technocrats in charge has been the same – denouncements of the protestors as “morons” whose “selfish actions compromise the safety of us all.” Their apparatchiks, like Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is a career bureaucrat who has worked for state agencies his entire career, call for mandatory vaccinations by state order, meaning they want to use the power (and violence) of the government to force people to be vaccinated.
In order to evaluate whether Fauci and his like are correct in their doomsaying, proclaiming that without mandatory vaccinations millions of Americans will die, we first need to know what science actually says on the issues of vaccinations and herd immunity.
The Science
The begin with, what is the exactly is a vaccination and why you get one?
Vaccines contain the same germs that cause disease. (For example, measles vaccine contains measles virus, and Hib vaccine contains Hib bacteria.) But they have been either killed or weakened to the point that they don’t make you sick. Some vaccines contain only a part of the disease germ.
A vaccine stimulates your immune system to produce antibodies, exactly like it would if you were exposed to the disease. After getting vaccinated, you develop immunity to that disease, without having to get the disease first.
This is what makes vaccines such powerful medicine. Unlike most medicines, which treat or cure diseases, vaccines prevent them.
Vaccines: The Basics on the CDC website
Note some very important information here. Vaccines infect you with a weakened form of the illness they are designed to prevent. This allows your body to develop immunities to it in the same way as if you had caught a full-blown case of the sickness. Whether you catch the illness or have a vaccine the end result is the same. If you survive then you develop a natural immunity to the illness. When immunities are widespread enough it can limit or eliminate the ability of the illness to spread and thus “prevent” diseases. This is called herd immunity. Medical professionals – doctors, scientists, etc. – prefer vaccinations because the infection level can be controlled and be administered at a safer level to those who are most at risk of facing serious life threatening complications.
Now that we know what vaccinations are, why the might be preferable, and how they protect the population, the question arises: How many Americans have been vaccinated against Covid-19?
If we include Americans who have had their first shot and who are merely waiting the mandatory two weeks to receive their second shot, 58% of Americans are currently vaccinated against Covid-19. The projected minimal amount of the population which needs to be immune to the illness in order to achieve herd immunity is 70% of the total population. These are the numbers that Fauci and the rest of the apparatchiks use to terrify the population. Their message is that, “Only 58% of Americans is too low for herd immunity and therefore we must use violence to force the rest of Americans to comply so we don’t all die!”
Notice the problems with this fearmongering though.
First of all, it totally ignores that the vaccination rate has been steadily increasing, with recent weeks seeing some of the greatest increases in vaccination rates thus far. At the same time opposition to vaccination has been steadily declining. Why on Earth would you need to mandate something that people are clearly already doing? It seems pretty clear that even ignoring other important information (which we will discuss in our following points) that we are on target to achieve that 70% sooner rather than later, possibly as early as the end of Summer 2021.
Secondly, it ignores that the 58% figure is very generic and includes groups like young children who are unable to get the vaccine anyway. When you exclude such groups and focus on adults who are vaccinated, the vaccinated rate rises to 68% of the population. That is an astounding number as it is incredibly close to the minimum level necessary to achieve herd immunity! Yet, it is totally obscured by the CDC’s more generalized numbers which include people who cannot even be vaccinated to start with.
Third, even if we ignore that the rate of vaccination is increasing and that a huge percent of the adult population has already been vaccinated, if we merely go off of the CDC’s reported numbers and the numbers which Fauci and his ilk use to terrorize the populace, we will quickly find that there is much reason to rejoice. We merely have to include those that are universally excluded by the medical apparatchiks working for the state – i.e. the number of people who have been infected by Covid-19, recovered, and thereby obtained a natural immunity to the illness equal to vaccination (or should we say, vaccinations confer immunities equal to those who are infected naturally and recover.)
So, how many have had Covid-19 and recovered from it in the United States?
Estimates from December 2020 and January 2021 suggest that by those dates between 21.5% -to- 30% of the American population had caught Covid-19. Combining either of those numbers with our already established 58% of the American population which has been vaccinated reveals that the population of the US which has an immunity to Covid-19 is between 79.5% and 88%. In other words, we have already reached herd immunity levels. And that only accounts for people who know they’ve had Covid-19. Anywhere from 25% to 80% of people who contract Covid-19 have such a mild case that they never even realize they had it at all! This would seem to push the numbers of those who have contracted Covid-19 naturally, recovered, and now have a natural immunity to Covid-19 to even higher levels than estimated.
Is there any evidence that vaccinations may help even those who have been infected with Covid-19 previously?
Absolutely. This is especially true with mutations of the original Covid-19 virus. Some of these mutations, such as the Delta variant and Alpha variant, have mutated to become more transmittable than the previous strain. Immunities gained by both infection by the original Covid-19 strain and vaccinations based on the original Covid-19 strain are both not as able to help the body develop immunities to the Delta variant. Whether Delta is more dangerous than the original Covid-19 strain or the Alpha strain is unknown. Scientific studies have suggested both possibilities – that it is and is not more dangerous. Right now it seems like the Delta variant spreads more easily and that, contrary to the propaganda, it seems to spread very easily through both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, but is not in and of itself more deadly for most people.
That said, it is also clear that natural immunities gained form infections are also highly effective. A recent study on this issue coming from Israel said this on the subject:
Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.
In short, vaccines helped those who had natural immunities but the natural immunity itself was much stronger than the immunity gained from vaccination.
It seems likely that as with the original Covid-19 strain, the issue is not in the illness itself. The issue is with the general health of the population in question prior to infection. The study, titled Covid-19 Mortality: A Matter of Vulnerability Among Nations Facing Limited Margins of Adaptation, was designed to assess and attempt to explain why Covid-19 spread at different rates in different nations and had higher mortality rates in some and lower mortality rates in others, especially as it related to “non-viral parameters,” i.e. the policies and programs the countries enacted in order to try and suppress the spread of the virus. Their results and conclusions are devastating for anyone supporting lockdowns. The study concluded that government policies, including severe lockdowns, had no effect in decreasing the death rate. The main factors leading to higher death rates from Covid-19 is “inactive lifestyles, sedentary behaviors, and obesity.”

Overall, the evidence seems to be very clear. While we should still take care about our health and make wises decisions, we need not be terrorized. Between vaccinations and natural immunities we are establishing herd immunity quite effectively. Most people in the hospital for Covid-19 are there because of the Delta variant and the reason for this is because of how effective both natural immunizations and vaccinations have been in quickly creating herd immunity for the original Covid-19 infection strain. We will do the same for all other variants just as quickly. There is nothing to indicate any justification for state mandated vaccination.
This is where Fauci and his ilk are revealed for the anti-science menaces that they truly are.
The Anti-Science Insanity
Here is Fauci explaining why he wants to forcibly vaccinate the American population:
You — you know, Chuck, no one wants to get ahead of the FDA because they’re an independent group that makes their decisions. And that’s good in many respects because there will never be any concern that we’re influencing them. But I hope, I don’t predict, but I hope that it will be within the next few weeks. I hope it’s within the month of August.
If that’s the case, you’re going to see the empowerment of local enterprises giving mandates. That could be colleges, universities, places of business, a whole variety. And I strongly support that. The time has come and we’ve got to go the extra step to get people vaccinated. You want to persuade them, that’s good. And I believe that some people, on their own, once it gets approved as a full approval will go ahead and get vaccinated. But for those who do not want, I believe mandates at the local level need to be done.
Meet The Press
Ignoring the obvious stupidity of claiming that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), a federal agency which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services, is in any way or form an “independent group,” his comments reveal that the technocrats in charge clearly believe two things:
First, they believe their all pervading wisdom and mastery of knowledge gives them the authority to inflict copious and destructive violence on the lives of unlimited amounts of people to terrorize them into compliance with how those in power believe you should live.
If you doubt this merely recall the methods by which the state operates. As Dr. Stephen L. Carter of Yale University has explained, every law and mandate issued by the government is backed by violence and the government will use violence up to and including killing you in order to enforce its edicts. Those in power won’t just destroy your life, and lock you in your home like a common prisoner under house arrest until you lose your job and therefore can’t pay your bills and lose your car, your home, and your standard of living, reducing you into poverty until you comply. They will kill you. Dr. Fauci and his ilk are more than willing to murder you in order to achieve their goals, or rather, I should say they are more than happy to send the police to murder you in order to achieve their goals.
Secondly, Fauci and his apparatchik ilk are all technocratic authoritarians in the extreme.
Nicholas Farrell, a British journalist living in Italy who reports on Italian political and cultural affairs, has argued that government laws which force people to register with the state for the privilege of merely existing and which will punish them severely if they are unable to display the (digital) badge/papers they are required to carry at all times and produce at will of the police and other state officials, is Fascist. Whether it is distinctly Fascist or not (non-Fascist regimes have done the same in other nations) the core fact is true – it is a totalitarian society in which those in power believe they have total authority to dictate and control every aspect of your life and deny you at will anything about it they don’t think you should be able to do.
To Farrell’s argument though, one of the key economic aspects of Fascism is the way that corporations and businesses generally came under the domination of the government through regulatory law and served as extensions of the state as extra-government arms which could enforce the will of those in power without them having to pass and enforce national laws and be constrained by any existing law. The “good of the people” as determined by those in power and enforced by the various organs of the nation, including businesses, even to the detriment of the individual and in violation of his or her natural human rights was the modus operandi of Fascism. And here we have Fauci (and others like him)calling for exactly that – for corporations to enforce the will of those in power upon the public even if it violates the basic human rights of the individual because the “common good” is at stake.
This is not to say that Fauci himself is a Fascist, formally speaking. But like every good apparatchik his highest loyalty is not to truth, but to the nomenklatúra, the highest level political officials from whom Fauci’s power derives and only to whom he is answerable for achieving their goals. As a result he will always choose those facts which justifies the expansion of state power (and therefore his power as well) and deemphasize or ignore that which would limit our shrink state power. The outcome of this is and will always be authoritarianism and the placing of society onto the low road to totalitarianism, whether that be Socialism or (more likely) Fascism.
Final Thoughts
Even if medical science supported the claims of Fauci and the rest of the apparatchiks above and below him, what they want to do is fundamentally wrong. Threating to unleash the violence of the state upon the disobedient – promising to beat, cage, extort, and kill those who refuse to do what you think is good for them – is evil. Forcing people to be vaccinated is no less a violation of their bodies and minds than rape. Fauci’s kind of backwards, barbaric, anti-scientific, pre-Enlightenment, Bronze Age thinking should be embarrassing to anyone even pretending to be educated in the modern era. The facts of known science are against them and their claims while morality and decency are against their brutalist desires. Last year proved the politicians in power were and are fools, substituting one problem – Pestilence – with others even worse – Famine and Death. The lockdowns destroyed, maimed, and killed as many as Covid-19 ever threatened to do. With a track record like that – one that demonstrates their complete political, economic, social, and scientific incompetency and failures – you have to ask why do we keep listening to these people?
Well, “education” in state-ran schools is probably a start as the last thing we learn there is how to question the methods, means, and omnipotent wisdom and power of those in positions of political control. Society itself has largely been conditioned into idolizing and obeying those in power and submitting to even their most heinous and foolish orders. As Dr. Carl Jung once wrote, the individual is crushed beneath the massed strength of the State by its claims to all secular and worldly knowledge and power, leaving those without some belief in an authority greater than government with no other intellectual or moral ability to resist the government and its orders. If we are to deny this dehumanization and assert our humanity we must declare our loyalty to truth above all, to the actual facts about the real world and not to the irrational, illogical, and insane bloviations of arrogant state apparatchiks eager to hold on to their moment in the spotlight and the power it gives them and the politicos which they serve. We must refuse to repeat their lies and thereby become vectors for the spreading of their propaganda lies. We must defy their terrorizing edicts and live as free people capable of making our own medical decisions while trusting in the ability of others to do the same. In this way we will defend our liberty, which is to say we will assert our humanity in the face of the dehumanizing monster that is the state.