A Christian’s Duty to Society

The fallen society we find ourselves living in is rife with corruption, violence, brutality, and evil. As followers of Jesus Christ, what exactly is our role in trying to change this, how do we do it, and just how dedicated should we be to that cause? Here I draw upon the writings of William Lloyd Garrison to address these questions about the greatest source of violence, brutality, and corruption in the world today and what we should be doing about them.
The Global War on Terror is a War of Terror

The violent history of the US government’s military actions in the Middle East is one of the bloodiest eras in human history- leading to the annihilation of civilizations millennia old and the butchering of literally millions of civilians beneath the brutal hooves of Famine, War, Pestilence, and Death. Here I trace part of that history from the 1980s through the modern day, explore their ramifications in the form of international terrorism, and explain how what has been sold to Americans as a “War on Terror” is in reality a War *of* Terror in the eyes of the tens of millions of people living at the bayonet point of the American military. Instead of creating peace and making America or the world safer, the actions of the US government and its allies in the Middle East have only generated extermination, destruction, hatred, retaliation, and violence, making the entire world a more hazardous and unstable place for all. The West’s Wars of Terror have only led to skyrocketing rates of terrorism and placed us all in greater danger than ever before.
The Best Version of the “Battle Hymn of The Republic”

In many churches in America, you’ll find the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” -a song that glorifies war and nationalism- sung as part of worshipping the Prince of Peace. It is incongruous with the purpose of Christian worship at best and blasphemous at worst. Yet many love it because it is such a stirring and triumphant sounding song. Luckily, there is a better option which both maintains the tune and brings the song’s message more in line with Gospel truths.
The Most Terrible Form of Idolatry is The Government

In 1854, William Lloyd Garrison stood up in the Broadway Tabernacle in New York City and delivered one of the most powerful anti-slavery speeches ever given. The value of this speech goes beyond its historical setting though. In this speech Garrison lays down the basic cause of liberty for all men and outlines exactly why any government that oppresses human liberty stands condemned and should be disobeyed. The principles herein are universal, especially for those seeking peace, liberty, and equality today. In a world riven by racist and nationalist violence, Garrison’s words and his remedies especially apply more than ever: “Show me the government which can be maintained only by destroying the rights of a portion of the people, and you will indicate the duty of openly revolting against it.”
The Most Revolutionary Text In American History

In September 1838, William Lloyd Garrison published the most revolutionary text in American history. Yes, most revolutionary, even more so than the Declaration of Independence…
A Christian’s Duty to the Law
Excerpts from an article by William Lloyd Garrison wherein he argues that the only law that should guide a man’s life is the Law of God. Going to the scriptures themselves as his foundation, Garrison argues that where there is no conflict between the law of man and the Law of God then there is no problem but where the law of man demands one thing and the Law of God demands another then the Christian will always obey God first and face whatever the consequences be for defying the law of man.