The last few years have been utterly devastating for the entire world. In response to the appearance of Covid-19, the governments of the world asserted insane, unconstitutional, illegal, and immoral powers to seize control of every aspect of society, imprison entire populations of provinces, states, and nations in their homes as if they were criminals under house arrest, to irrationally determine who could work, who couldn’t, and who had to starve, prevent people from going to church, seeing their loved ones, or being with their families, and cause such mass hysteria and fear that society turned on itself in fits of outrage, hate, and self-destruction. The end results of all this were utterly predictable and were reported on endlessly by many people, including those of us here.
Murdering The Poor
The shutdown of businesses absolutely shredded the global economic web, causing mass poverty, mass hunger, mass fear, and mass starvation. People in every nation suddenly found themselves being flung from security, employment, and wealth to fear, joblessness, and poverty. Everyone, everywhere suddenly didn’t have enough. Shelves were empty. Stomachs were empty. Lives were empty. In the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression, over 33 million people lost their jobs in the United States alone. In fact, it was worse than the Great Depression. Millions of people lost everything in a matter of weeks. Not in a decade. Not in years. Not even in months. In weeks. The middle class and poor were, of course, hurt the worst by this disaster. In the United States the amount of people needing food assistance to simply be able to eat nearly doubled overnight. But the nightmare was even worse in poorer nations that ere dependent on the food brought in through trade and charity from other nations, trade and charity that simply stopped one day. The result was unmitigated Hell.
As Oxfam warned that by “the end of the year 12,000 people per day could die from hunger linked to COVID-19, potentially more than will die from the disease itself,” governments did not slow down the lockdowns – they doubled down on them. Lori Hinnant and Sam Mednick, of the Associated Press, described the inevitable result of these lockdown policies:
Hunger is already stalking Haboue Solange Boue, an infant who has lost half her former body weight of 5.5 pounds (2.5 kilograms) in the last month. With the markets closed because of coronavirus restrictions, her family sold fewer vegetables. Her mother is too malnourished to nurse her.
“My child,” Danssanin Lanizou whispers, choking back tears as she unwraps a blanket to reveal her baby’s protruding ribs. The infant whimpers soundlessly.
All around the world, the coronavirus and its restrictions are pushing already hungry communities over the edge, cutting off meager farms from markets and isolating villages from food and medical aid. Virus-linked hunger is leading to the deaths of 10,000 more children a month over the first year of the pandemic, according to an urgent call to action from the United Nations shared with The Associated Press ahead of its publication in the Lancet medical journal.

Stare at that picture until it sinks into your head exactly what the lockdown “experts” did to people. They murdered babies. Everything else is irrelevant. It is easy to pontificate about the effects of the lockdowns when you live in a wealthy Western country and it isn’t your children starving to death.
I’ll say it again.
In their ignorance. In their fear. In their overreaching mass stupidity and arrogance they starved babies to death.
But it wasn’t simply among the poorest that we saw such horrific suffering. Even the wealthiest nations saw social devastation at every level. Mental health problems skyrocketed. Take Japan for example
In 2019, Japan was reporting its lowest suicide rate since 1978. Then came the COVID-19 lockdowns of 2020:
While Japan has managed its coronavirus epidemic far better than many nations, keeping deaths below 2,000 nationwide, provisional statistics from the National Police Agency show suicides surged to 2,153 in October alone, marking the fourth straight month of increase.
To date, more than 17,000 people have taken their own lives this year in Japan. October self-inflicted deaths were up 600 year on year, with female suicides, about a third of the total, surging over 80%.
In a single month, Japan saw more deaths from lockdown caused suicide than the entirety of all deaths caused by COVID-19 for the entire year. It went from having its lowest suicide rate in over 40 years to one of its worst ever. And Japan never engaged in the kinds of even larger mass lockdowns that America and Europe did.
The news from the United States was no better.
Newspapers from Dane County, Washington reported:
The county had 57 suicides this year as of last week, more than the total of 54 for all of last year, according to preliminary data collected by Journey Mental Health Center, said Hannah Flanagan, its director of emergency services .
Among people age 24 and younger, 15 suicides were reported as of mid-September, up from eight for all of last year. Suicides are also up for ages 25 to 38, according to this year’s unofficial data, Flanagan said.
“When people are lonely, it’s really hard to cope,” she said. “The specificity about COVID social distancing and isolation that we’ve come across as contributing factors to the suicides are really new to us this year.”
…COVID-19 seems to be affecting children of all ages, including early elementary school students, whose parents report more sadness among the children and crying at night, [pediatrician Dr. Katy] Cahill said.
“I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard parents say that they feel like their children have wilted,” she said. “We definitely have seen an uptick in mental health concerns across all ages, which is really sad and concerning to us.”

Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology at the University of Oxford, explained her opposition to lockdowns and support for open societies by saying “If we keep introducing restrictions and lockdowns while we wait for a vaccine it will be the young that suffer the most, particularly those from more deprived backgrounds. We can’t keep doing this – it would be an injustice.” She was right. And that injustice caused immense harm to young people – damaging their their mental, speech, and emotional development at every age.
For example, this from Walnut Creek, California:
Doctors at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek say they have seen more deaths by suicide during this quarantine period than deaths from the COVID-19 virus.
The head of the trauma in the department believes mental health is suffering so much, it is time to end the shelter-in-place order.
“Personally I think it’s time,” said Dr. Mike deBoisblanc. “I think, originally, this (the shelter-in-place order) was put in place to flatten the curve and to make sure hospitals have the resources to take care of COVID patients. We have the current resources to do that and our other community health is suffering.”
The numbers are unprecedented, he said.
“We’ve never seen numbers like this, in such a short period of time,” he said. “I mean we’ve seen a year’s worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks.”
Kacey Hansen has worked as a trauma nurse at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek for almost 33 years. She is worried because not only are they seeing more suicide attempts, she says they are not able to save as many patients as usual.
More deaths from suicide linked to the lockdowns than COVID-19 itself. A year’s worth of suicides taking place within a month. Adult suicides higher than ever before. Teen suicides increased over 100%. Even little children at great risk. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a Professor of Medicine at Stanford University explained why this all happened:
In the last 20 years we’ve lifted one billion people worldwide out of poverty. This year we are reversing that progress to the extent—it bears repeating—that an estimated 130 million more people will starve.
…Mental health problems are in a way the most shocking thing. In June of this year, a CDC survey found that one in four young adults between 18 and 24 had seriously considered suicide. Human beings are not, after all, designed to live alone. We’re meant to be in company with one another. It is unsurprising that the lockdowns have had the psychological effects that they’ve had, especially among young adults and children, who have been denied much-needed socialization.
Not only did they starve children to death they had children so despondent that they were murdering themselves in record numbers.
No wonder society exploded in a sires of months long mass rioting.
Unscientific Insanity
And the entire time we were told to “believe The Science,” to “trust The Science,” and follow the “guidance of experts.” Notice the cultic way those kind of incantations sound and know they aren’t accidental. Dr. Carl Jung explained the terrifying way that secular people end up worshipping “science” and the government all the way back in the 1950s.
And who exactly are these experts whose almighty guidance we were supposed to follow as if they were omniscient gods capable of knowing, predicting, and doing all? Apparatchiks like Anthony Fauci whose most important role wasn’t as medical expert, but as a political tool whose name could be used to rubber stamp any stupid or insane idea that those in power came up with. And there were plenty of stupid and insane ideas from Day 1.
From the very start there was proof that lockdowns would not and did not work.
As far back as 2006, the then Center for Biosecurity (now the Center for Health Security) published an article that evaluated the multiple ways of how governments could respond to future pandemics based on their effectiveness. The authors of the paper, titled Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza, (henceforth Disease Mitigation) is a virtual who’s-who of epidemiologists whose job it is to plan for and mitigate global pandemics, including one of the doctors who helped lead the worldwide elimination of smallpox. These are people who understand how diseases spread and how we can effectively fight them. Here is what they have to say about large scale lockdowns/quarantines:
There are no historical observations or scientific studies that support the confinement by quarantine of groups of possibly infected people for extended periods in order to slow the spread of influenza. A World Health Organization (WHO) Writing Group, after reviewing the literature and considering contemporary international experience, concluded that “forced isolation and quarantine are ineffective and impractical.” Despite this recommendation by experts, mandatory large-scale quarantine continues to be considered as an option by some authorities and government officials.
The interest in quarantine reflects the views and conditions prevalent more than 50 years ago, when much less was known about the epidemiology of infectious diseases and when there was far less international and domestic travel in a less densely populated world. It is difficult to identify circumstances in the past half-century when large-scale quarantine has been effectively used in the control of any disease. The negative consequences of large-scale quarantine are so extreme (forced confinement of sick people with the well; complete restriction of movement of large populations; difficulty in getting critical supplies, medicines, and food to people inside the quarantine zone) that this mitigation measure should be eliminated from serious consideration.
Large scale lockdowns and quarantines do not reflect modern medical science, they reflect ideas more than half a century out of date when the world was a lot less connected and people knew a lot less about how diseases multiplied and spread. Lockdowns are based not on science. They’re based on fear. And anyone who cares about doing what scientific evidence says we should do would eliminate them from serious consideration. So why did our ever so wise leaders embrace lockdowns? Not because they believe in science.
That paper also addresses the effects of home quarantines, of having people locked down in their homes. After reviewing the uncertainties of how you could force people to be locked in their homes from a purely logistical perspective, the paper digs into the dangers of home lockdowns:
Even if home quarantine were generally acceptable to the community, individuals may not have the economic resources to stay at home. Few employers currently have provisions for paid absence unless the workers themselves are ill. For those who are hourly workers or who are self-employed, the potential loss of wages as a result of having to stay home simply because an individual had had contact with sick people might not be acceptable or feasible.
Home quarantine also raises ethical questions. Implementation of home quarantine could result in healthy, uninfected people being placed at risk of infection from sick household members. Practices to reduce the chance of transmission (hand-washing, maintaining a distance of 3 feet from infected people, etc.) could be recommended, but a policy imposing home quarantine would preclude, for example, sending healthy children to stay with relatives when a family member becomes ill. Such a policy would also be particularly hard on and dangerous to people living in close quarters, where the risk of infection would be heightened.
Notice how they recognize the economic impossibilities of it all. It isn’t feasible to expect people to stay home and lose all income and think that everything will magically be produced for them (by who no one knows) and nothing bad will happen. They end by warning that quarantining people together may actually backfire by exposing people who may not have otherwise got the virus to someone who does have it and now they can’t escape or leave. Lockdowns effectively turn homes into viral hot zones, ensuring everyone will catch the deadly disease.
And that is exactly what happened with COVID-19 and the lockdowns.
In September 2020, analytics expert Donald Luskin wrote an article sharing the results of an analysis he did comparing the progress of COVID-19 to the severity of lockdown procedures. If lockdowns work as they’re supposed to then we would expect that the result would be a visible drop in the progress of the spread of the illness. Yet his work demonstrated the exact opposite happened. Not only did the spread of the illness not slowed down, but the places with the strictest lockdowns had the larges increases in cases.
Measuring from the start of the year to each state’s point of maximum lockdown—which range from April 5 to April 18—it turns out that lockdowns correlated with a greater spread of the virus. States with longer, stricter lockdowns also had larger Covid outbreaks. The five places with the harshest lockdowns—the District of Columbia, New York, Michigan, New Jersey and Massachusetts—had the heaviest caseloads.
This of course makes sense going back to the Disease Mitigation paper. By locking people up it increased the likelihood that everyone in the home would be exposed without recourse and made sure that everyone in a home where one person had it would get sick, leading to a drastic increase in the need for acute medical care. Luskin also notes that his “statistical analysis shows that locking down the economy didn’t contain the disease’s spread and reopening it didn’t unleash a second wave of infections.” Similar results have been demonstrated in the United kingdom where doctors have been able to “demonstrate that the United Kingdom’s lockdown was both superfluous and ineffective.” In another paper evaluating the lockdowns and their effect on the ultimate spread of COVID-19, Dr. Thomas Meunier explained:
This phenomenological study assesses the impacts of full lockdown strategies applied in Italy, France, Spain and United Kingdom, on the slowdown of the2020 COVID-19 outbreak. Comparing the trajectory of the epidemic before and after the lockdown, we find no evidence of any discontinuity in the growth rate, doubling time, and reproduction number trends.Extrapolating pre-lockdown growth rate trends, we provide estimates of the death toll in the absence of any lockdown policies, and show that these strategies might not have saved any life in western Europe. We also show that neighboring countries applying less restrictive social distancing measures (as opposed to police-enforced home containment) experience a very similar time evolution of the epidemic.
Not only did the COVID Tyrants murder children and drive people to suicide they actually caused COVID-19 to spread even more quickly and to kill even more people. They did the very opposite of what they claimed to want. The lockdowns didn’t save any lives and even made things worse!
The record is just as damningly against those who oppose natural immunities.
Politicians have been trying to starve people into allowing their bodies to be physically violated against their will, i.e. enforce vaccine mandates, on the public since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the ways they have tried to do this my terrorizing people by saying that unless they get vaccinated they are a threat to the lives of everyone around them, especially their beloved parents and grandparents. Beyond being the worst kind of sociopathic propaganda, it is actually the very opposite of what scientific investigation has demonstrated.
An Israeli study concluded:
This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.
In short, vaccines helped those who had natural immunities – those gained form actual infection – but the natural immunity itself was much stronger than the immunity gained from vaccination, 13 times stronger in fact. Later studies. have supported the conclusion that natural immunity is as powerful as vaccination. Just look at the conclusion to this study form The New England Journal of Medicine:
No discernable differences in protection against symptomatic BA.1 and BA.2 infection were seen with previous infection, vaccination, and hybrid immunity. Vaccination enhanced protection among persons who had had a previous infection. Hybrid immunity resulting from previous infection and recent booster vaccination conferred the strongest protection.
And in needs to be stressed that this is not news in the scientific community. These studies and others like them have only continued to confirm what has been known for decades. Natural immunity confers long-lasting immunity and booster shots help by exposing the previously infected person to new strains. As a result, herd immunity gained through natural exposure was always the way to go with the only extra protections being focused on the most vulnerable while everyone else was allowed to love their lives as normal. This is why such actual scientists as Dr. Katherine Yih, an epidemiologist with the Harvard Medical School, and Dr. Martin Kulldorff, a Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School who also specializes in doing epidemiological studies, opposed lockdowns from the very start:
Dr. Yih explained the realities of the situation in terms of inevitable infection:
I have been struck by how this emphasis on keeping the numbers down at all costs has not evolved with time. There is a kind of simplistic goal of keeping people from getting infected, period. Now this may seem like a worthy goal, but with a highly contagious respiratory virus to which most of the world’s population is probably still not immune, people are going to get infected. The virus will spread, quickly or less so, until herd immunity is reached.
Instead of a medically oriented approach that focuses on the individual patient and seeks (unrealistically) to prevent new infections across the board, we need a public health–oriented approach that focuses on the population and seeks to use patterns, or epidemiologic features, of the disease to minimize the number of cases of severe disease and death over the long run, as herd immunity builds up.
And Dr. Kulldorf explained:
Herd immunity can be achieved by natural infection, effective vaccination, or a combination of the two. And the process of getting to herd immunity can be managed in such a way that the more vulnerable people are protected from infection while others help the population reach herd immunity, thereby minimizing the number of deaths.
Dr. Kulldorf went on to explain that waiting for a vaccine is a bad idea because “we will have a vaccine sometime between three months from now and never.” He said that, “Children and young adults have minimal risk, and there is no scientific or public health rationale to close day care centers, schools, or colleges. …Kids have minimal risk from this virus, and it is sad that we are sacrificing our children instead of properly protecting the elderly and other high-risk groups.” Instead of locking down society while trying to prevent every person from getting the illness until the distant unknown time that a safe vaccine is developed, governments should be trying to manage who and how the illness spreads on a general level, with to goal of achieving mass immunity for the populace while having extra protections for specific at-risk populations. He explains that, “A universal lockdown can successfully postpone cases into the future, as it has done in some countries, but in doing so it also postpones the buildup of immunity.” In other words, lockdowns won’t prevent the illness spreading until immunity is achieved, the illness will begin spreading again as soon as the lockdowns are over.
Economic Insanity
Their supposed economic fixes were just as disastrous. By March 2021, the costs of the lockdown and the United States response in printing and spending cost $5.2 trillion. $5.2 trillion is the total cost of all our wars since 2001. World War II, the largest and most expensive war in all of human history, in the entire existence of the planet Earth, cost $4.7 trillion (in today’s dollars). The amount spent is enormous and insane. But that only tells part of the story. When you add the $5.2 trillion for COVID to the $4.5 trillion for quantitative easing (money printed and spent by the Federal Reserve) and the $3 trillion the government spent for “infrastructure” the total cost is about $13 trillion. I would ask you to think about exactly how much money that is, but you can’t. You’ve never seen a trillion discrete anything. You brain simply cannot process things individually in such a large number. A trillion drops of water is a lake. A trillion grains of sand in a desert. You can see the conglomerate and understand it as a whole, but not as individual pieces. The same is true with dollars. It is impossible to truly understand a trillion dollars and even less so $13,000,000,000,000. And that was in the middle of 2021. Over a year later that number is absolutely larger.
When governments print money inflation is inevitable. Government money printing is the source of inflation. The more paper money you print the more you destroy the value of that money and the more prices have to rise in order to capture the same value that you used to get for less money. And boy how we have seen prices rise!
What all this means is that the cost of everything, from food to rent, will continue to rise, squeezing Americans’ budgets even further. Here’s how much prices have increased over the past year for certain household goods and services, according to the Labor Department.
- Gas: 48.7%
- Used cars and trucks: 16.1%
- New vehicles: 12.6%
- Electricity: 12%
- Food at home: 11.9%
- Food away from home: 7.4%
- Shelter: 5.5%
- Apparel: 5%
Gas prices in particular are becoming even more unaffordable, up a whopping 48.7% since last year and 4.1% just in the last month.
To put those numbers into context, a gallon of gas currently costs $4.99 on average in the U.S. overall, according to AAA.
Inflation continues to rise—and gas prices are up nearly 50% since last year
The price of food has gone up dramatically, and prices are still climbing.
As a result, everyone is left spending more money and getting less food. And those who already had less before? Now they have nothing. The poor end up being hurt worst of all:
Women and children are suffering disproportionately as a catastrophic new explosion of hunger sweeps the world, compelling charity and faith leaders to plead Tuesday for governments and charities to respond with aid and new approaches.
The number of people at risk of acute hunger — actively starving to death — has doubled over the past two years to 272 million, Latter-day Saint Charities President Sharon Eubank said Tuesday during a presentation at the G20 Interfaith Forum in Bologna.
“I don’t know if we can appreciate the scope of what that actually represents,” she said.
Conditions threaten to cause the calamity to triple in size again before the decade is out.
“The pandemic made it much worse,” said Sister Eubank, the first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“If current trends continue,” she added, “the number of hungry people could reach 840 million by 2030. That is a staggering number for the 21st century.”
Children are dying and suffering from starvation. Already, 1 in 3 of the world’s children are hungry, and malnutrition causes 45% of child deaths, she said. As many as an additional 13.6 million children could suffer from wasting or acute malnutrition by next year, said Adam Phillips, director of the Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships at the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Wasting means “their muscle mass is going backwards rather than forwards,” Sister Eubank said.
In 2017, Homi Kharas of the Brookings Institution calculated that someone escapes extreme poverty every 1.2 seconds. This – the growing elimination of poverty – was one of the grandest achievements of industrial capitalism, and achievement won through centuries of technological growth and making everyone on the Earth richer. It only took a year for the governments of the world to destroy this and throw hundreds of millions back into poverty and to double the amount of starving people in the world. Everyone is suffering now. All of our lives have gotten worse, all of our standards of living have fallen, all of us have had to live with less while spending more, losing what we could have had and still not be able to purchase what we need.
COVID Amnesty?
After all this, after all the lies told, fearmongering committed, hopes shattered, lives lost, children murdered through starvation, after all the riots, misery, hysteria, after all the anti-science propaganda, after the brutality, blood, and horror, what do these tyrants and their idiot supporters have to say for themselves?
They simply want to be able to say, “My bad!” and move on, to never face any repercussions for their choices, to never face justice for the people they destroyed, nations they wrecked, and lives they took. They want to able to hide behind the lie that “We just didn’t know,” and “Everyone was right about some things and wrong about others,” when nothing could be farther from the truth. As I’ve shown above, all the correct answers were known at the time, sometimes far in advance, and definitely soon after the lockdowns began. Ignorance is not only not an excuse, claims to it are a damned lie. They want to destroy the lives of hundreds of millions of people, want to imprison you like criminals, want to be able to run human experimentation on you against your will (if they “didn’t know” then everything they did was an experiment done to you that they would fine, imprison, and kill you to force you to be part of), want to be able to wreck civilization and lives all without consequence.
They don’t want to be held accountable for their tyranny or its results on the lives of people.
The bloody disgrace of it all is they probably will.
In the United States, the Republicans have been blaming inflation on Biden since he was elected. This ignores that while he certainly has made it worse the problem started with Trump printing trillions of dollars in 2020 and Biden has largely just continued those same policies. Democrats, in turn, have been blaming corporations for inflation, a tactic that has been wildly success among their base. I would wager that similar political mind games are being played in other nations as well. Just change out the political party names and get the same result.
After all, that is the entire point of the political system.
This is the truth of the state. The government doesn’t exist to keep you safe, protect our loved ones, or ensure your rights. It exists so that a parasitical class of elites can manipulate, control, and rob you without repercussion, so they can experiment upon you without your consent, so they can ravage you without end.

What should happen is this should be the biggest and most final nail in the coffin of Socialism and “Progressivism.” The “Progressives” and the Socialists endlessly pontificate about how if only property were controlled by the government and its experts in the name of the masses and the government was allowed to regulate the economy, direct the actions of society, and exercise nearly unlimited control then we could have a society where all poverty was eliminated, people would be happy, and all people could succeed. Well they got what they wanted – nearly unlimited powers to police society, unrestricted control over the economy, and all power centralized into the hands of government officials. They got to instigate their grand plans. They got their expert driven administrative state. The result? Mass terror, mass poverty, mass suffering, and a massive loss of humanity and liberty at every level. It was a total and complete failure, just more proof that for all their grand plans Socialism is nothing but a grand failure.
And when all their grand plans inevitably collapse and suffering follows?
The structure of the government, of the state, allows them to escape all accountability and justice. The can blame someone else, avoid all accountability, and continue to use you as they want. You are not a person. You are a tool meant to be used, controlled, and discarded at whim. They have broken hundreds of millions and thrown them in the garbage like they were nothing. Men, women, children. Didn’t matter. Doesn’t matter. And they’ll do it to you and your family, too. They’re doing it now. That is why prices are so high and you are struggling to survive. And they’ll keep doing it. A boot stomping on your face, on your children’s faces, forever.
Unless you don’t let them.
Unless you stop them.
Unless you stand up.
Unless you fight back.
Refuse COVID Amnesty.
Refuse to go along with their lies.
Refuse to give them the illusion of your consent.
Refuse to let them escape justice.
Refuse to obey their unjust laws.
Refuse to obey them
Refuse any sort of political union with the tyrants.
Nullification yesterday.
Secession today.
Liberty and Prosperity tomorrow.
The choice between slavery and freedom has never been so obvious.
Make the right choice.