and will twist the scriptures in order to use their events to justify war no matter how many men, women, and children it murders – in shot, to justify reigning with blood and horror upon the Earth. Such Satanic ideas have long been the daily bread of the Natural Man. But when one studies the actual teachings of the scriptures (as opposed to simply assuming that because a “good” person did something then it must be right) and listens to the teachings of the Prophets of God we find that their teachings are the exact opposite. Repeatedly they teach that war is evil, that we do not need violence because God will protect us, and command us to renounce war in all its forms and justifications in order to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This LDS Classic from President Joseph F. Smith preaches these exact truths.
Did Early Mormons Practice Socialism?
Here I use the writings of one of the most intelligent men to be a General Authority – President J. Reuben Clark – and his insightful examination of the Law of Consecration as explained in the scriptures, his evaluation of the historical practices of the early church, and the importance of private property, and the modern Church Welfare Program all to answer a singular important question:
Did early Latter-day Saints practice Socialism in Missouri and Utah?
Here Is What The Scriptures Teach About Open Borders
The issue of immigration is an excellent example of how well meaning but fundamentally deceived Christians, including most Latter-day Saints, are lied to, fooled, and manipulated by the ideologies of the world into supporting immigration actions from governments which, at their most basic level, are cruel, anti-Christian, and outright evil. The purpose of this article is straight-forward- to address what exactly the scriptures command when it comes to immigration and the treatment of immigrants (of any sort) and to establish what exactly a Christian immigration policy would look like.
State of the Site, September 2021
Important information about how the site will work going forward with updates about when new articles will be posting during the week.
C.S. Lewis Explains The Problem With Masturbation
Many people, members of the church or not, do not really understand why masturbation is something that you should want to avoid. Even those who understand the evils of pornography still do not understand why a person should want to abstain from masturbation. Here a man much more eloquent and insightful than I powerfully explains why we should abstain from masturbation entirely.
Here Is Why Vaccine Mandates Are Anti-Science Insanity
Mandatory vaccination – that is when the government forces you to get a vaccination otherwise it will beat you, rob you, cage you, or kill you (i.e. arrest, fine, imprison, or kill you for resisting) – is not just scientifically wrong it is legitimately insane. It is an argument that terrorizes the public into surrendering their human rights, their basic humanity, to be ravaged by those in power. People forcibly penetrating your skin in order to inject their fluids into you against your will is a violation of the body and mind equal to rape. It isn’t just a gross evil, it is also completely and utterly wrong. Here I take on the arguments made by lifelong state bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci and show how actual science contradicts their arguments and that what they are peddling is hysterical anti-science insanity.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: “Live Not By Lies”
How do we resist the government? After all, it is many and we (or I) am few. How can anyone possibly alter the course of the state? How can anyone challenge the power of the government and force it to back down?
What can one person do?
This article answers that question. Here is the one thing you can do to effectively and meaningfully challenge the authority of the state and effect change in the world around you.
The Truth About the Mormon Pioneers
If you pay attention Latter-day Saint history you can pinpoint the era in which American nationalism eclipsed the truth of our past as refugees and immigrants subjected to ethnic cleansing and oppression by the American state and American people. It is the point in which those first generations began to die and their grandchildren were being born, when the myth of the Mormon American pioneer developed as a way to legitimize the Saints in the eyes of and integrate the Saints into a society that had always hated and oppressed them. Here I attempt to recapture at least part of the truth of our past and address the dangers of this myth and false tradition of our fathers to us as a people.
That Time When Brigham Young Absolutely Demolished Young Earth Creationism
In writing my last two articles refuting some erroneous ideas and false doctrines about the creation and age of the Earth, I cam across a rather fantastic address by President Brigham Young from 1871. In it he teaches that there is no antagonism between science and religion. This is especially true for “Mormonism” as our faith embraces all truth from wherever it comes as part of it. Science and religion are both ways that God makes known the truths that He wants His children to know. His specific comments on the Creation and Age of the Earth do a great deal to dismiss the idea that the Earth is only 7,000 years old and that it was created in six literal days. This address will be enlightening to everyone who reads it.