The Great Fiction of the State

Here I seek to answer the question ofwhy people engage in such pious veneration of and develop such powerful loyalty to the State despites the way that it oppresses them, robs them, and and threatens the future of their children with war, poverty, and despair. By drawing upon as diverse thinkers as Frédéric Bastiat, Robert Houghwout Jackson, and King Benjamin, I believe I have developed three basic reasons people support the State despite the harm it does. After exploring these ideas of why people believe so ardently in the Great Fiction of the State, I present the solutions to the lies of the Sate and the most effective way we can help to transform the world, liberating humanity from the yoke of the State and securing greater liberty and prosperity for ourselves and our posterity for all time.
C.S. Lewis: “Willing Slaves of the Welfare State”

Lewis’s warnings about the way that science and good intentions have a way of being perverted by the government to become justifications for tyranny and genocide -Hitler’s scientific basis for the Holocaust and Stalin’s scientific atheism being prime examples – such that horrendous evils can be done with a clear conscience and in the name of the greater good by those in power, the true nature of all governments as de facto oligarchies, the rising threat of technocracy to the liberty and humanity of mankind, the threat to privacy that exists from state authorities, the tendency of people to sell themselves into slavery for the promise of having our physical needs taken care of materially, and the willingness of those in power to promise us anything and everything in order to obtain such surrender and devotion from us, whether they can actually deliver or not are all observations and warnings that don’t seem simply prescient to the modern eye, but down right prophetic.
The Modern Moloch: The Complete Series

The links to the seven parts of the Modern Moloch series- about the idolatrous nature of the State and the way that the government manipulates the minds and hearts of the public using religious rituals, ideals, and symbols- can be found herein. Additionally, there is an Addendum that summarizes some of my final thoughts (for now anyway) on the subject. Also included is a section of poetry about modern day “Molochism” from American poet Allen Ginsberg that gets to the true heart of the wickedness of the State and which serves as a fitting epilogue to the series.
What Is The Government And How Does It Work?

Government is one of those subjects that most people know woefully little about. And no, I don’t mean the byzantine systems of law creation or frankly mind numbing committee meetings, though those are often much more important than is typically understood. What I mean is most people have no understanding about the ideas that government is based upon and how those ideas create much of the violence and corruption we see in the world today. Here I address the ideas of government, what beliefs most modern nations are founded upon, and the alternative that would help decrease the violence in the world and create a place of greater liberty, prosperity, and equality for all peoples.
True Manhood and Toxic Masculinity

What does it mean to be a man? I don’t just mean in the sense of having a penis and some testicles. That makes you male, but that doesn’t make you a man. So what makes you a man? How can you look at someone and recognize there is a true man. It is an important question, especially in the modern age where even the concept of there being such a thing as masculinity, maleness, or definitive manhood is under fire. Gratefully, the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ gives us definitive guidance on how to recognize both toxic masculinity and true manhood, what the qualities of each are, and how to fulfill our potential as men of God in the image of the Great Father.
The True Nature of The Legal System

Most people never take time to think deeply about exactly what the law is or how it is enforced. They neither want to hear nor wish to acknowledge the reality that the entire system is based on the exercise of crushing violence against the populace through the police and other similar agents of law enforcement and when you try to explain the truth to them they treat you like you’re crazy. As a result, the defender of human liberty and prosperity needs evidence explaining the truth from the experts others claim to believe. This article, by Dr. Stephen L. Carter of Yale Law School, is just such evidence. His explanation of how the legal system is inherently violent and is based on the use of force to compel obedience from the public on pains of assault or even death and the way that overcriminalization puts the safety, lives, and liberty of everyone at risk would utterly shock most people who ignorantly imagine the government as a force of benevolence. With the current events going on in the world, this knowledge is more important than ever.
Did The Church’s November 2015 Policy Cause LGBT+ Teens To Harm or Kill Themselves?

It is common among ex-Mormons to claim that the doctrines and policies of the church regarding homosexuality cause gay teens to harm and kill themselves, especially the November 2015 policy of the church that says same-sex marriage is an offense that can get you excommunicated. This argument has even been made by major news outlets. But is it actually true? Here I republish an online essay from another writer that addresses the strongest evidence for this argument head on, evaluates all the proof, and comes to powerful, fact-based conclusions that demonstrates that the argument, for all its emotional power, is contradictory and false. In my afterword to the essay, I point out that the evidence is actually the opposite, that deeply religious gay teens are less likely to harm or kill themselves, and draw conclusions about how we can keep from falling for similar emotionally manipulative and erroneous arguments made by the critics of the church and its policies.
How We Win: The Complete Series on How Nonviolence Can Help Change Society

What follows below was originally released as three separate parts, but, intended from the start to be read as one whole article, but ended up being too long. Each article works singularly, but the full force of the argument is somewhat disjointed by the need to break it up for easier consumption. Here the original article is restored for those who wish to take it in as one complete work. It explores how nonviolent action would not only help the protestors in the street win allies, change hearts, and alter laws, but how nonviolence makes possible the transformation of our society from what it is into one with greater liberty, equality, and prosperity for all.
How We Win: Part 3- The Way to Tomorrow

In Part 3 of 3 of my series about how to bring about true social change through nonviolence, I explore the power of nonviolence to bring about reconciliation, transforming our enemies into our friends, and to create a better world through mercy.
How We Win Part 2: Changing the Government

Last week, I began a series of articles explaining how we triumph over the government and its willingness to use violence and brutality to terrorize people into obedience. There we explored how you use effectively use the power of protesting to win the day. Here we continue that series by exploring the ways that we create lasting, meaningful, social change for today, tomorrow, and forever.
How We Win: Part 1- The Protests

As people blanch at the ongoing riots and the breakdown of society that is the final outcome of the actions of the government, many are asking hard questions about the future. They want to know where we go from here and how we get there. In the “How We Win” series of articles, starting with this one, we will look at the immediate and long term tactics that will not only help the protests in the streets bring about change but will also help create the better tomorrow for all people that we all long for.
What is “The State”?

When it comes to government people often erroneously use the term “state” erroneously. In the USA it is often used to simply mean a smaller division of the national government. If we are to correctly understand the dangers of the state we must first correctly identify what it is and how it functions…