This article explains that Satan’s goal is to be worshipped as God, opposing Jesus Christ and His teachings by spreading false doctrines and corrupting political and religious systems. I explore Satan’s tactics using scriptural references to reveal what the religion of Satan looks like and emphasize how to fight against Satan through understanding and living by the Word of God. I also expose the manipulation and lies spread by Antichrists, both ancient and modern.
Tag: Abraham 3
Exaltation, The Endowment, and The Divine Council
The LDS Temple Endowment and its deep, ancient, rich symbolism is very often unknown and misunderstood even by Latter-day Saints. We live in an age so literal and devoid of mythic symbolism that even the most simplistic rituals can be seen as strange and confusing to the modern man. This is even more so for the Endowment, which is steeped in ritual and symbolism as old as history itself. Here I attempt to peel back one of these layers of mystery by exploring the Endowment in relation to the scriptural concept of the Divine Council of the Gods and what understanding this teaches us not only about the Endowment but the purpose of the Endowment and the Temple in the lives of the Saints.