The violent history of the US government’s military actions in the Middle East is one of the bloodiest eras in human history- leading to the annihilation of civilizations millennia old and the butchering of literally millions of civilians beneath the brutal hooves of Famine, War, Pestilence, and Death. Here I trace part of that history from the 1980s through the modern day, explore their ramifications in the form of international terrorism, and explain how what has been sold to Americans as a “War on Terror” is in reality a War *of* Terror in the eyes of the tens of millions of people living at the bayonet point of the American military. Instead of creating peace and making America or the world safer, the actions of the US government and its allies in the Middle East have only generated extermination, destruction, hatred, retaliation, and violence, making the entire world a more hazardous and unstable place for all. The West’s Wars of Terror have only led to skyrocketing rates of terrorism and placed us all in greater danger than ever before.