Having just finished thoroughly discussing the ways that governments use secularized versions of religious symbolism and ritual to manipulate the public and generate a sense of loyalty and obedience to it from among the masses, I thought it worthwhile to explore how the different partisan denominations of the politics -the “Left” and the “Right”- function as secular religions as well. The value in this is in explaining why people adhere to their different political beliefs and parties even when all logic, science, and morality demonstrate the inherent flaws, errors, and failings of those political beliefs to either reflect reality or to reform reality and create the outcomes their adherents promise if people would but live them. In this article I address this in terms of the Left, exploring how and why Leftist beliefs act as religious dogmas in the lives of Leftists.
Tag: Jesus Christ
Exaltation, The Endowment, and The Divine Council
The LDS Temple Endowment and its deep, ancient, rich symbolism is very often unknown and misunderstood even by Latter-day Saints. We live in an age so literal and devoid of mythic symbolism that even the most simplistic rituals can be seen as strange and confusing to the modern man. This is even more so for the Endowment, which is steeped in ritual and symbolism as old as history itself. Here I attempt to peel back one of these layers of mystery by exploring the Endowment in relation to the scriptural concept of the Divine Council of the Gods and what understanding this teaches us not only about the Endowment but the purpose of the Endowment and the Temple in the lives of the Saints.
A Christian’s Duty to Society
The fallen society we find ourselves living in is rife with corruption, violence, brutality, and evil. As followers of Jesus Christ, what exactly is our role in trying to change this, how do we do it, and just how dedicated should we be to that cause? Here I address these questions about the greatest source of violence, brutality, and corruption in the world today.
On Signs, Symbols, and Statist Sacraments
In past parts of this series I have touched upon how governments use religious rituals to reinforce loyalty and obedience to it, such as with the Pledge of Allegiance, but haven’t gone into much depth on the subject. Here I really dig into the concept and explore some concrete examples of the ways that the government manipulates religious symbolism, religious architecture, and the natural feelings of the people to present itself and its officials as divine and to command obedience from the masses. For examples of this idolatry, I look at such religious artworks as The Apotheosis of George Washington and the Enthroned Washington and such religious architecture as the American temples, the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, and the religious messages thereof.
The Modern Moloch, Part 5: The Political Messiah
In the former parts of this series we have explored how the State, the government, is in form and function an idolatrous death cult as well as how the cult functions in our daily lives, indoctrinating us into its service from childhood. As we have explored these issues the question has arisen of how such an organization developed in the first place and what is its ultimate end? To answer that we must start before even the Beginning and range across time and scripture to beyond even the very End of the World- going from the Council in Heaven to the Apocalypse. Here we find out the Satanic origins of the Cult of the State, see how it is described in the revelations of the prophets Nephi and John the Revelator, explore some of the most important yet confusing symbols in scriptures -the great and abominable church in the Book of Mormon and Revelation’s Dragon, Beast, Antichrist, and the Whore of Babylon- and see what scripture tells us about the ultimate downfall of the State and all the governments of the world.
The Death Cult of the State
In Part 1 of the series I delved into the idolatrous nature of modern political systems and delved into the ways they’re based on violence, oppression, and human sacrifice before ultimately concluding that the State/the government was one large idolatrous cult. Here in Part 2, I will dig into this idea of the State/the government as cult by using the 15 characteristics of cults as developed by Dr. Janja Lalich, a leading expert on the study of cults. By going through all 15 characteristics and demonstrating that the political systems of modern nations align very closely to Dr. Lalich’s outline and that they are therefore cults. Finally, I will explore how these idolatrous cults are in fact death cults by looking at how they use violence, warmongering, and veneration of the dead to gain legitimacy and subservience from the masses in order to secure and continue the power and position of the presiding political order.
If You’re A “Progressive Mormon” or A “Conservative Mormon” Then You’re The Wrong Kind of Mormon
It is common for people to complain about the political positions of other members of the church and to describe themselves as “Conservative Mormons,” “Progressive Mormons,” “Libertarian Mormons,” “Gay Mormons,” etc. The problem with this is that these types of identity politics are incredibly dangerous for all those involved- the person in question and the Church as a whole, not to mention society in general. It divides, marginalizes, and diminishes what should be one whole- the Body of Christ. The reliance on political ideology to create a better world through government violence has failed and will always do so. The more we allow political identities to define and divide us the less able we will be to do the real work necessary to create the better world we all hope our children will inherit. The Book of Mormon provides clear warnings about allowing political ideology to direct our lives while providing us with the blueprint to create a truly equal, just, free, and prosperous society for all.
The Modern Moloch, Part 1: Patriotism, Nationalism, Idolatry, and Human Sacrifice
For all of human history there has been a struggle between the Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of the world, expressed in many dualities. Here, taking an image from a modern Apostle, we explore how the system of government used throughout most of the world is comparable in its means and ends to the worship of the ancient Canaanite idol Moloch and what that means for how we, as Saints, should react to those in power. If we are to be Saints and dedicate ourselves to God and the Lamb through sacred temple covenants we have to be able to recognize the lies the government tells and the idolatry that lays at the heart of the way it manipulates and coerces us into obeying it in defiance of the commandments of God. This article is the first of a series with the goal of doing exactly that by investigating and revealing the true idolatrous nature of the governments and kingdoms of this world.
How We Win: The Complete Series on How Nonviolence Can Help Change Society
What follows below was originally released as three separate parts, but, intended from the start to be read as one whole article, but ended up being too long. Each article works singularly, but the full force of the argument is somewhat disjointed by the need to break it up for easier consumption. Here the original article is restored for those who wish to take it in as one complete work. It explores how nonviolent action would not only help the protestors in the street win allies, change hearts, and alter laws, but how nonviolence makes possible the transformation of our society from what it is into one with greater liberty, equality, and prosperity for all.
How We Win: Part 1- The Protests
As people blanch at the ongoing riots and the breakdown of society that is the final outcome of the actions of the government, many are asking hard questions about the future. They want to know where we go from here and how we get there. In the “How We Win” series of articles, starting with this one, we will look at the immediate and long term tactics that will not only help the protests in the streets bring about change but will also help create the better tomorrow for all people that we all long for.