This Saturday is the Fourth of July, American Independence Day. It is the first in the life of the Latter-day Liberator and it dawns dismally. Instead of a celebration of revolution and liberty, we find the creeping Fascism of the past few decades has suddenly become a raging torrent as the officers of the State have begun to openly wage war directly upon American citizens and the actions of those in power threaten hundreds of millions of people with absolute poverty, starvation, devastation, and death. But there is hope. By recovering the ideas and truths of the past that gave birth to the original Independence Day we can renew and reestablish our rights as never before for this Independence Day and every one after it.
Tag: live free
How We Win Part 2: Changing the Government
Last week, I began a series of articles explaining how we triumph over the government and its willingness to use violence and brutality to terrorize people into obedience. There we explored how you use effectively use the power of protesting to win the day. Here we continue that series by exploring the ways that we create lasting, meaningful, social change for today, tomorrow, and forever.