This article is a talk I was asked to give in church as our ward prepares for the coming General Conference. In it I talk about how the importance of the modern prophets, how they actively receive revelation from God for us right now, the blessings and truth to be gained by following the Prophets and Apostles, and exactly what so many in the world are so threatened by the existence of modern prophets. (Hint: It has to do with their money and power.) I end by sharing a tool that we can use to get the most out of General Conference and the talks of Prophets and Apostles. Come, brothers and sisters, let us listen to the Prophet’s voice and hear the Word of God!
Tag: Meaning of Life
Heaven Is Real, Hell Is Real, and Why Life Matters
Why does Pascha, Easter, matter?
The story of Pascha is phenomenal, but why does it matter that Christ atoned for Death and Hell? Why does it matter that salvation and exaltation are open to all? What really is worth celebrating at this time of year?
This forgotten LDS Classic by N.L. Nelson on the reality of Heaven, the reality of Hell, and the richness, depth, and meaning these truths imbue into our lives answers these questions and more.
This is why Pascha matters and why it is the pinnacle of Christian holy days.
What Does Mormonism Teach About The Meaning of Life and Life on Other Worlds?
What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose behind Creation? Why am I here? Am I alone here? Are humans alone in the Universe? Is their life, intelligent life, on other worlds? If there is, what do they look like? What do they believe? How do they live? Is everything just one big cosmic accident, one great big empyrean joke?
These are some of the most meaningful and important questions that we ask ourselves. The Universe seems dark, chaotic, and full of impassable distances, and looming terrors. And it doesn’t give up its answers easily. But there are answers to our questions, a balm for our troubles, answers to our prayers.
There is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And it answers all those questions and more. That is what this article is about.