The article defends Christianity against atheist arguments, particularly Dr. Richard Carrier’s claims. I show that Carrier and atheists in general don’t understand the purpose of life.. And I show the necessity of The Book of Mormon as it restores lost truths, clears up contradictions from the Bible, and provides essential insights into God’s plan, offering a more complete understanding of Christian doctrine.
Tag: murder
An Ancient Revelation on the Nature of Government
One of the great values of reading ancient history is that there is very little that is new under the Sun. Tribalism, nationalism, imperialism, and statism are not new phenomena in human history. Both their dangers and the solution to those dangers were well-known to the people of the past.
When we study their teachings we can recognize the way that the same old propaganda and same old lies have been repackaged by the political elites for our day, to indoctrinate and deceive us into believing in an ideology that serves them while harming us. We can also learn from the ancients how to prevent this cycle from repeating so that we can build a better and freer world.
Here is just such an example.
27 Questions To Ask Your LDS Friends About The Constitution
Latter-day Saints, Mormons, are often well-known for their love of the American Founding fathers and their devotion to the U.S. Constitution.
But do they know the relationship between the Constitution and their own church?
Here are a list of 27 questions from American history about the relationship between the Latter-day Saints and the U.S. Constitution to see how much your LDS friends and family really know about their own history.
Really test their knowledge of the Constitution, of American history, and the history of their own people!
What Mormon Teaches Us About War And Loving Our Enemies
Whenever I point out that Captain Moroni’s example doesn’t justify modern Saints going to war because he lived the Law of Moses and we live the Law of Christ and that modern revelation commands us to renounce war completely the response is inevitable. I always get some version of, “What about Mormon and his son, Moroni? They were baptized Christians who fought in wars. If they can do it, why can’t we?” By looking at what the scriptures, I answer this question and show why Mormon and Moroni do not justify us joining modern day wars.
The Apostasy From Peace
Having just spent the last month demonstrating the historical fact that Christians practiced a form of what we would today call nonviolence, rejected being in the military, and taught the importance of loyalty to the universal church of Christ over and beyond all worldly political authorities and powers all as part of fulfilling Christ’s commandments to love and serve our enemies and to do nothing but good, even to those who evil to us, we are still left with a singular, important question.
What happened?
How did we get from that to where we are today? How did we get from a faith focused on self-sacrifice, love, and service to one that justifies violence, war, and subservience to the powers of the world in all their evils? How did we go form Christians being literally kicked out of church for joining the military to Christians treating the military as some sort of sacred calling?
This article not only explains how this occurred, but also how this process robbed Christianity of one of its most radically Christ-like and powerful truths and how reclaiming that truth is essential to transforming the Earth and establishing the Zion of Christ.
Nonviolence in Early Christianity, Part 2
This is the second part in a series tracing the teaching of what we today call nonviolence in ancient Christianity after the end of the biblical era. I pick up where I left off in Part 1, in the mid-Second Century AD/CE and go all the way through the Third Century AD/CE. In the process I cover such topics as tribalism, nationalism, abortion, violence, the role of government, a Christian’s place in government, whether a Christian can hold political office or not, the military – both from the perspective of a soldier who converts to Christianity and a Christian who is thinking about joining the military, justice, political idolatry, the Second Amendment, gun ownership, natural rights, the universal nature of the Church and Christianity, and the hypocrisy of the world’s ideologies. The teaching of these ancient Christians carrying forth the ideals of Christ confront, counter, and dismantle the cunning craftiness of the world’s doctrines through the application of the truths of the Gospel.
Nonviolence in Early Christianity, Part 1
Some of the oldest and most affirmed truths in all of Christendom are that Jesus Christ commands us to love our enemies, to renounce violence, and to reject all other worldly loyalties – be they nation, empire, or people – for the Church, the Gospel, and Jesus Christ Himself. These truths can been in the writings of the earliest surviving Christian leaders and writers. What follows below is the first part in an effort to share a small sampling of these statements which I have tried to place within a rough chronological order. Hopefully they will help the reader, whether Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist, Pentecostal, Christian Scientist, Latter-day Saint, etc. to understand the role of what we now call nonviolence, civil disobedience, rejection of world powers -what we today call the State – and loving and serving your enemy as central beliefs in the long history of true Christianity, ancient and modern.
A Diverse Set of Warmongers and Authoritarians – Assessing The Joe Biden Administration
While Democrats are fawning over Joe Biden assembling the most physically diverse Presidential Cabinet in history, the real question is repeatedly begged and ignored. Sure, their skin tones are different and some of these people have different sets of genitals than the others, but just how diverse are they where it really matters? Where do they stand on the issues that are currently wrecking the nation and destroying people’s lives? Skin color doesn’t matter if they’re all authoritarians and warmongers. After all, no one is going to be happier that the boot stomping down on their face or the guy ordering the bombing of their school, was a transgender woman and not the typical white straight male. Their lives will still be destroyed and their families will still be slaughtered. So, are these people truly diverse or are they the same old brutalists in suits and heels who have always ran the show? In this article I explore the backgrounds of numerous Biden Administration officials and what their positions and past actions tells about Biden’s plans for the future.
The Trump Riots And The American State
On January 6, 2021 a group of thousands of Donald Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building in order to disrupt the Senate’s official confirmation of Joe Biden as the next President of the United States of America. These events have set off a firestorm of protests and denunciations across the planet, with many people expressing open dismay that “such an attack on democracy” could happen in America. Here I explore how these reactions prove that those who talk about democracy the most often understand it the least, as a group of the demos – the common people – assaulting the halls of power in order to prevent what they saw as corrupt political actions is the most democratic that has happened in America in the last fifty years. I further explore how the celebration by many on the political Left of the shooting of one of the protestors shows what their true political motives are, and they aren’t to end police brutality. Finally, I look at what the problems are which have given rise to this political divisiveness and what the real solutions are to it, both from a secular perspective and from a fuller religious perspective.
The Death Cult of the State
In Part 1 of the series I delved into the idolatrous nature of modern political systems and delved into the ways they’re based on violence, oppression, and human sacrifice before ultimately concluding that the State/the government was one large idolatrous cult. Here in Part 2, I will dig into this idea of the State/the government as cult by using the 15 characteristics of cults as developed by Dr. Janja Lalich, a leading expert on the study of cults. By going through all 15 characteristics and demonstrating that the political systems of modern nations align very closely to Dr. Lalich’s outline and that they are therefore cults. Finally, I will explore how these idolatrous cults are in fact death cults by looking at how they use violence, warmongering, and veneration of the dead to gain legitimacy and subservience from the masses in order to secure and continue the power and position of the presiding political order.