There are two different but connected errors that seriously plague modern Christianity. The first is the common error throughout segments of Christianity, including among Latter-day Saints, that the Earth was created in seven days. The second common error is that the world approximately 7,000 years old. Both are based on fundamental misunderstandings of the scriptures and have damaged the faith of thousands of believers. Both have also been refuted by modern revelation starting with the Prophet Joseph Smith. In order to treat both of these issues with the seriousness they deserve I have decided to write an article dedicated to each. This article will address the erroneous belief that the Earth (or even the entire Universe) was created in six days by God. In doing so I will combine a proper understanding of scriptural context with modern revelation to establish what it is about the Creation of the Earth that the scriptures do teach so that we Latter-day Saints will not continue to fall into the error that other Christians have.
Tag: Prophet Joseph Smith
Did Joseph Smith and Brigham Young Teach That People Live on The Moon and The Sun?
In their never ending efforts to discredit the Latter-day Restoration of the Gospel anti-Mormons search for any information they can find to make the prophets sound crazy, because if you can discredit them then you can discredit the work they did. Among the accusations that are hurled at early Church leaders is that Joseph Smith taught that the Moon is inhabited by people and that Brigham Young believed that beings lived on the Sun. In this article I will present the sources for these accusations in full (as opposed to the incomplete and partial quoting that anti-Mormons usually use) and place these quotations in their historical context, showing what people from the most respected scientific minds to the most common laborer believed about possible life on the Moon and Sun. Once I have done so I will demonstrate that nothing that Joseph Smith or Brigham Young said or believed was incongruent with the scientific knowledge of their day and that their statements do not disprove or discredit the Restoration of the Gospel or the veracity of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
What Does Mormonism Teach About The Meaning of Life and Life on Other Worlds?
What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose behind Creation? Why am I here? Am I alone here? Are humans alone in the Universe? Is their life, intelligent life, on other worlds? If there is, what do they look like? What do they believe? How do they live? Is everything just one big cosmic accident, one great big empyrean joke?
These are some of the most meaningful and important questions that we ask ourselves. The Universe seems dark, chaotic, and full of impassable distances, and looming terrors. And it doesn’t give up its answers easily. But there are answers to our questions, a balm for our troubles, answers to our prayers.
There is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And it answers all those questions and more. That is what this article is about.
What About The Ages Differences Between Joseph Smith And His Wives?
It is common and unsurprising for anti-Mormons to attack the character of the Prophet Joseph Smith. By doing so they can elicit fury from among their co-believers and engender confusion and hatred among the ignorant. A common tactic I have encountered recently is the argument that even if Joseph Smith wasn’t a pedophile (an accusation I have disproven elsewhere and a link to which will be in this article) they nevertheless argue that because some of his plural marriages were to people significantly younger than him those marriages were necessarily abusive by default because of the differing levels of maturity and therefore power and equality present in the relationship. In this article I dismantle this argument and evaluate its accusations and assumptions in the light of what we know of the culture and history of the era that the Prophet Joseph Smith lived in. Ultimately, I demonstrate that for multiple reasons this argument is incorrect and nothing but a fallacious act of presentism that has little to do with Joseph Smith or the times he lived in.
Eliza R. Snow Explains The Purpose and Power of The Relief Society
The Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of the largest female organizations on the planet which is composed solely of women. It was established by revelation and given power and authority by His prophets to be one of the most powerful engines for doing good that the Earth has ever encountered. But I find that many members, men and women, don’t think of Relief Society as being anything other than that thing the women do on some Sundays. In this article we look at the teachings of Eliza R. Snow, founding member and record keeper of the Nauvoo Female Relief Society, the one who re-founded it in Utah, and second President of the Relief Society as she explains the organization of the Relief Society, its purpose, and the power it has to accomplish God’s work upon the Earth.
The First Work of Mormon Fiction Ever Printed
Elder Parley P. Pratt is well known in Latter-day Saint a sone of its earliest converts, most powerful missionaries, and most influential theologians. Nearly two centuries later his ideas still have significant influence on the beliefs of millions around the world, often without their even knowing it. Those who have studied his life may also know him as one of the earliest Latter-day poets, creating the first hymnal used by members of the church and authoring several hymns which are still sung today in addition to the numerous poems that he penned. But few will know that he is the author of the first work of Latter-day Saint fiction ever published. In the present day when authors and authoresses like Brandon Sanderson, Stephanie Myer, Orson Scott Card, and Jessica Day George have dominated the Western fiction, sci-fi, and fantasy bestsellers lists it seems like LDS fiction writers are everywhere. But that hasn’t always been the case. It had to start somewhere. This is that beginning. This is “Joe Smith and the Devil.”
When Elder Orson Hyde Predicted World War I in 1862
In this LDS Classic we have an article originally written by Elder Orson Hyde of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to a Missouri newspaper in 1862, during the height of the American Civil War. In this letter, Elder Hyde does a number of fascinating and insightful things.
First, he talks about how the events of the Civil War in Missouri were divine punishment on the people there for their persecution of the Saints.
Secondly, he explains how the Civil War itself is a fulfillment of a prophecy given by the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1832, which is D&C 87 today. He also explains how this connects to the imagery of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in Revelation, specifically the Horseman of War and the opening of the Seven Seals.
Finally he teaches that the “demon of war” will move from America to Europe and issues a prediction of war there that fits perfectly what we now call World War I.
An excellent read for all the insights and prophecy contained herein.