Lewis’s warnings about the way that science and good intentions have a way of being perverted by the government to become justifications for tyranny and genocide -Hitler’s scientific basis for the Holocaust and Stalin’s scientific atheism being prime examples – such that horrendous evils can be done with a clear conscience and in the name of the greater good by those in power, the true nature of all governments as de facto oligarchies, the rising threat of technocracy to the liberty and humanity of mankind, the threat to privacy that exists from state authorities, the tendency of people to sell themselves into slavery for the promise of having our physical needs taken care of materially, and the willingness of those in power to promise us anything and everything in order to obtain such surrender and devotion from us, whether they can actually deliver or not are all observations and warnings that don’t seem simply prescient to the modern eye, but down right prophetic.
Tag: slavery
A Christian’s Duty to Society
The fallen society we find ourselves living in is rife with corruption, violence, brutality, and evil. As followers of Jesus Christ, what exactly is our role in trying to change this, how do we do it, and just how dedicated should we be to that cause? Here I address these questions about the greatest source of violence, brutality, and corruption in the world today.
The Modern Moloch Part 6: Presidential Idolatry
Joe Biden is a racist, warmongering, predatory rapist. Kamala Harris made her name profiting off black suffering, destroying poor communities, and repeatedly actively fought to prevent the court mandated release of nonviolent prisoners so the government of California could profit from their “cheap” -read slave- labor. These aren’t accusations. These are statements of fact. The Biden/Harris ticket is easily as violent, demeaning, hateful, and dangerous as the 2016 or 2020 Trump ticket. Yet, Democrats will still go out and self-righteously vote for people proven to be the opposite of every important Progressive value that can be named. Why? How has it come to this? It is no accident. Indeed, after listing evidence after evidence of the evils of both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to prove their corruption and wickedness (Trump’s is already a given) I explain how this is no accident. Generating veneration of, zealotry for, and obedience to political leaders no matter how evil they are is the entire point of the political system.
The Death Cult of the State
In Part 1 of the series I delved into the idolatrous nature of modern political systems and delved into the ways they’re based on violence, oppression, and human sacrifice before ultimately concluding that the State/the government was one large idolatrous cult. Here in Part 2, I will dig into this idea of the State/the government as cult by using the 15 characteristics of cults as developed by Dr. Janja Lalich, a leading expert on the study of cults. By going through all 15 characteristics and demonstrating that the political systems of modern nations align very closely to Dr. Lalich’s outline and that they are therefore cults. Finally, I will explore how these idolatrous cults are in fact death cults by looking at how they use violence, warmongering, and veneration of the dead to gain legitimacy and subservience from the masses in order to secure and continue the power and position of the presiding political order.
The Best Version of the “Battle Hymn of The Republic”
In many churches in America, you’ll find the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” -a song that glorifies war and nationalism- sung as part of worshipping the Prince of Peace. It is incongruous with the purpose of Christian worship at best and blasphemous at worst. Yet many love it because it is such a stirring and triumphant sounding song. Luckily, there is a better option which both maintains the tune and brings the song’s message more in line with Gospel truths.
Brigham Young, Racism, and Slavery
The racial beliefs of Brigham Young have been coming up lately as part of the Latter-day Saints discourse in light of the larger American debate over racism and police brutality. The problem is that most people, even the Saints themselves, are either completely misinformed or are entirely ignorant of who Brigham Young was, his impact on the American West, and his beliefs regarding race and slavery. This article is aimed at correcting these errors, exploring Brigham Young’s ideas on these issues, good and bad, and explaining why the Saints should take great joy in Brother Brigham’s legacy today despite his erroneous beliefs about race.
A Christian’s Duty to the Law
Excerpts from an article by William Lloyd Garrison wherein he makes the argument that the law of man itself is corrupt and that the only law that should guide a man’s life is the Law of God. Going to the scriptures themselves as his foundation, Garrison argues that where there is no conflict between the law of man and the Law of God then there is no problem but where the law of man demands one thing and the Law of God demands another then the Christian will always obey God first and face whatever the consequences be for defying the law of man.