There is a common error that the ideals of liberty, individualism, limited or no government, and universal inalienable human rights are an invention of Western culture and history. This is not true. In fact, the very opposite is true. The oldest texts to recognize these truths date back almost 2,500 years ago and come from China. This article explores the ancient Chinese history of liberty through the writings of one of history’s greatest and most important philosophers – Lao Tzu, the Old Master.
Tag: War on Drugs
What Christians Should Think of Memorial Day
Today I want to share a talk that a friend of mine delivered the Sunday before Memorial Day in 2017. He used Apostle Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s General Conference address, “Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear,” to counter the endless bombardment of propaganda that takes place at this time. My friend told the truth about the pro-state, pro-military lies that inundate us, preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and focused on the Gospel’s demand that we renounce violence and fear as means to achieving our social, political, or economic ends. In turn he also talks about the War on Drugs, the War on Terror, the US military, the idolatry of worship weapons as if they can keep you safe, missionary work, serving our enemies, loving those who hate us, and the way to build Zion.