The True Nature of The Legal System - The Latter-day Liberator
Most people never take time to think deeply about exactly what the law is or how it is enforced. They neither want to hear nor wish to acknowledge the reality that the entire system is based on the exercise of crushing violence against the populace through the police and other similar agents of law enforcement and when you try to explain the truth to them they treat you like you’re crazy. As a result, the defender of human liberty and prosperity needs evidence explaining the truth from the experts others claim to believe. This article, by Dr. Stephen L. Carter of Yale Law School, is just such evidence. His explanation of how the legal system is inherently violent and is based on the use of force to compel obedience from the public on pains of assault or even death and the way that overcriminalization puts the safety, lives, and liberty of everyone at risk would utterly shock most people who ignorantly imagine the government as a force of benevolence. With the current events going on in the world, this knowledge is more important than ever.