What Does It Mean To “Render Unto Caesar”? - The Latter-day Liberator
“Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and to God the things which are God’s,” is one of the most abused and least understood scriptures in the Standard Works. For nearly 2,000 years it has been used to justify the violence, brutality, and evils carried out by the State and used by its defenders to argue that Christians should obey their governments when it robs and oppresses them. But this interpretation is way off from the true meaning of the scripture. By delving into the scriptures themselves and examining the historical and scriptural context in which Christ was speaking not only do I conclude that the classic interpretation of this scripture is wrong, but that it means almost the exact opposite of what the classical interpretation says the scripture means. It is not a call to submit to Caesar, to obey our governments, and do what we are told by these in power. Rather it is a call to rebel against the powers of the world and serve God alone. I also talk about how this scripture has special applications for endowed Latter-day Saints as they have covenanted to give everything they own and are to Christ alone for the building of His Kingdom, not to Caesar for the building of Babylon.